Honored that Adena would ask me to guest write for her. This is a special post and being able to stand in for a dear friend means the world to me.
Thinking there needs to be a way to record thoughts while training without it being obtrusive or handheld
Thrilled with the fact that I am now the VP of Sales at Fun City Social Media 1 month after starting. Yes, I am hiring but only in the DFW area
Recovering from 70.3 IMCA when training started again without me knowing. PURE AWESOME!
Wondering if Timex sells their heart rate strap by itself. I don't need the entire kit anymore, just the strap
Feeling a little down about having to drive to Kansas City because it is 9 hours IN A CAR
Deciding what to make for dinner and chose tacos and buffalo tempeh wings
Figuring out if I made personal homemade healthy baked good would people buy them and at what price including shipping
Talking about peeing on the bike and run with friends on Twitter yesterday. I can do both and proud of it
On top of the world with the nominee for this weeks The Athlete's Plate. Will be revealed tomorrow morning
Writing this post on an absolutely gorgeous day in Texas. Weather is perfect right now, and I'm WORKING....Should be outside riding El Diablo
In the mood to bake some brownies, but will have to wait until my food processor gets replaced. Which will have to be very very soon. I need my food processor
Hoping nobody would be offended but people really really need to watch what they eat. So many people just stuff their faces without regard to what they are eating and that both saddens and aggravates me simultaneously
that's all he's got...
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This is how I'll always remember you Honey Lynne |
Cheech I still cant believe it. I feel like the Tin Man when Dorothy was leaving Oz, remember? "Now I know i have a heart because I can feel it breaking..." And do you remember when you were little and in the middle of the night you climbed out an open window onto the ledge that ran all the way around the building and no one knew where you were but before all hell broke loose you turned up safe and sound without an ounce of panic or fear in your little body, as though midnight windowledge exploration was a perfectly natural adventure for a girl and her security blanket to have? I remember like it was yesterday, and if it's all the same to you I'm not going to think of you as gone, just out on that windowledge having the time of your life, and one day we're going to see each other again and I'm going to wrap my arms around you and squeeze you tight and say "Don't ever scare me like that again"... I love you Hunter, until then... ~~~ Chris Stewart
That is an absolutely terrific tribute that Chris wrote on Hunter's wall.
I know you are going through a hard time but just know that we are all here for you to help you out in anyway we can.
Hugs to you. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm never good with loss and have no words for you but know that you are in my thoughts.
First, a HUGE HUG for Adena, still in my thoughts and prayers
Now on to Jason, I am not letting this down, WASH YOUR BIKE!!! You know bikes talk, and I am sure El diablo is letting every bike in the neighborhood know you ride dirty.
I hope you made tacos
Ebay for the strap
Congrats on the Promotion, now that you have extra cash from the promotion, you can hire me to clean your bike
Great post Jason! I seriously wish I lived by you, I would pay for your food no lie and your comment about recording thoughts on the workouts, GENIUS! Figure it out, I will buy one, my best thinking occurs after mile 10.
Adena, thoughts and prayers are going out to you and your family for your loss. Tragic and sad indeed. Chris' comments were heart wrenching. I am amazed that people can sum up so much emotion with words that elegantly.
So sorry to hear about your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Stay strong.
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