A few of us went and rode the sprint tri course for our race in Sept. I had forgotten how I dislike the hills on the way out but I did em without stopping and kept to between 10-12km per hour on each uphill, more of a slow incline than a real 'hill'. On the way back I topped out at 49.9km. I love riding and anything under 50km is fine by me, over that and I get too scared. I averaged about 35km on the way back but it's pretty much all downhill. When we got back to the car two of us rode past for an extra km or so and at the turn around I didn't unclip and the street was too narrow and I ended up in gravel.
When will I ever learn?
superficial but stingy |
after wipe down, thanks Rhona!
hurts the most, can't bend it now, ugh
that's all I got... (thank god)
Hahaha nice. Don't worry it is just skin, as long as nothing is broken you can keep riding :)
Sorry to see you fell, but as R said nothing's broken so it's all good. I think you and I need to do some drills so this won't happen as often.
Glad to hear you got out there and good job taking those hills.
Ouch! Sorry 'bout the spill. I hope you heal quickly.
hockey tough!!
Yep, going 50 km/hr can be scary if you aren't familiar with the road. It's good to know your limit. I don't mind going a little faster down hills, but another blogger I follow recently hit a pothole going fast and the front tire disintegrated. She got hurt pretty bad. That story has led to me using the brakes a little more!
Arnt you glad you shaved your legs, imagine if you didnt how much that would hurt.
BTW I still fall over time to time because I cant get unclipped
We all fall! Don't beat yourself up...but every time we fall we think it's probably something dumb that we did. Good luck on your next ride!
Oh ouchie! This is why I haven't gotten the clip shoes yet. I'm a Wuss.
Hope you're feeling better now!
Yup, another year is complete. You have precisely 365 more days to pull this off again. Carry on :) haha.
Great blog, how about links exchanging? Please contact me asap, Thanks.
OUCH!! I haven't fallen over for awhile, but I know it is only a matter of time. :)
Yowza!!!! Thank goodness it was nothing worse than this.
Adena ...I thought you lost your ticket to the "ouch" train. Glad to hear that you're okay and that you hit 49.9km
P.S. Stay on your bike when you're going 49.9km. You don't want to look like @rbuike :)
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